Today's point that rang loud and clear in my crowded brain was this:
Jesus didn't die for projects, He died for people. Emphasis added by me. Where I need it.
I love projects. I love checking things off of a list. I find great satisfaction in accomplishment (this is no surprise to my family that might be reading this...). Don't get me wrong, I don't finish them all - in fact, I have so many more intentions to do things for myself, my family, and others that don't even get past the "I need to do that today..." stage than I ever get done.
I have been realizing lately that I could use a little more connection with people - I'm not sure what that looks like for me, but I know that God wants me to be in relationship, and in community, sharing my life with others, and being a part of their lives. This is a place that I'm not raring to jump into at this stage in my life, but I'm feeling the prodding, so I'm trying.
Today's message reminded me that no matter how many things I do while I'm here on earth, if they had no impact for His glory & kingdom, therefore affecting other people, they could very well have been just a waste of time. Just a check mark on a list on a piece of paper that ends up in the trash.
I don't want my legacy to have been a check mark in the trash.
On a journey-