July 30, 2008

Welcome Owen Joseph Gleason!!!

I'm so excited and proud I could just about burst!!

I am now the proud Auntie to Owen Joseph Gleason, born to my AMAZING sister Dayna over in Swaziland, Africa!  

Dayna and her husband are over there as missionaries for our Great God, and she just delivered her firstborn this morning.  To say that I am proud of her and impressed beyond measure would not quite be cutting it.  That woman is - well - just amazing.  I am honored to be her sister, and now honored to be Owen's aunt.  

I can't believe I'm going to have to wait 4 months to meet this little guy, when they come to the states to visit.  I'm still trying to devise a plan to get over there to meet him before that...but I'll need a passport...and a place for my kids for at least a week...and a bunch of money for the plane ticket...so I'll probably just have to be patient.  But that's not my best virtue.  

I'll be back with more another time - I'm so exhausted from being up all night praying for them and wondering how things were going halfway across the globe that I can't think straight.  At least the kids and I all have clean clothes on today. 

Congratulations Dayna & Jonathan!  I love you all so much and am so excited for you!

Auntie Crystal =)

July 12, 2008

Yum, yum, yum!!!

So, I hit the farmer's market this morning.  Oh, how I LOVE summer fruit!  Of course, the selection you get out here in Tennessee is nothing like I had in California, but the FM is as good as it gets.

I rounded up for us some fresh blackberries, awesome tomatoes and some beautiful flowers.  I would have bought some blueberries too, if the kids and I hadn't just gone to the patch to pick some ourselves the other day.  I've been eating so many of them I'm thinking I'm going to get the runs....

And is there anyone else out there but me that loses track of what day it is?  I'm not talking about Monday, Tuesday, etc...but the actual NUMBER day it is?  Since I haven't been in an office (that was 4 years ago!!!) I have the hardest time remembering/knowing what number day it is.  I almost missed the birthday today of one of my dearest friends growing up just from not knowing.


Well - off to scrub the kitchen floor, which is so absolutely desperate for me to clean it I think it's creaking "scrub me, scrub me" every time I walk over it. 

enjoy your weekend-

July 10, 2008

I'm back!

So...apparently I'm not very good at this blogging thing.  

I really enjoy reading other blogs - it's actually how I start my days most of the time, with a cup of coffee and a few quick checks on certain blogs while Kyle is eating breakfast (that kid is NOT kidding around when he wakes up.  He wants his milk and breakfast - NOW.  And he's up so early...that's why the coffee is necessary.).

I'm just not very good at keeping up with my own.

I think it might stem from the fact that it's hard to spend more than 2 minutes on anything with undivided attention, having two preschoolers in the house and all.  And I'm not good enough with this blogger thing to know how to work all of the tricks that most other bloggers do.  And it takes a while to upload those pictures!!!

Sorry to ramble...just felt bad that I'd been gone so long.  So now I'm back.  And I really do intend to make it a more regular thing.  

Thanks for bearing with me.