April 3, 2008

Baby G!

I'm so excited!  
I spent much of the day yesterday thinking of my sister, and the growing baby boy in her tummy.  I'm so excited for her!  She's one of those people that was born to be a mother - the ones that are SO gentle, and SO loving, and SO tender, and SO compassionate.  The kind that you wish you could rent and have parent your kids some days so they turn out ok.  That little boy has NO idea how lucky he really is, but I intend to let him know and plan to remind him of it every time he acts up.  

I'm sure you'll hear more about my sister on here later- she's one of my heroes.  And I can't wait to meet this sweet little guy that's already stealing my heart.  I mean, he's part of my family - so he's going to be pretty amazing!  

Here's to a good Thursday - 

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