December 11, 2009

My funny Kyle just-turned-4-year-old tags along with me often when I'm helping out with his sisters kindergarten activities.  He's been on a few field trips lately as well, and thinks he's one of the class.  Lucky for him, he's pretty big for his age, so he fits right in with the K kids.

This week, as we were going through the morning preparing to drive some of Nicoles class to the Stingray Reef at a mall in our area, he kept expressing his frustration to me about having to do things other than BE on the field trip already.

I was slightly confused when he exclaimed the following to me....then I figured out what he meant.

"Mommy.  I want to go to the FUTURE.  RIGHT NOW!!!  please."

Does' field trip' sound like 'future' to you?  It does to a 4 year old!!!

Hope you have a good day filled with a little laughter!


1 comment:

C said...

Thank you for your comment on my blog.

It truly is amazing, isn't it? Like a small picture of the giant change which is going on her.